This Single Trick Will Help You Do Anything You Need To Do (Stop Procrastinating)

You might not believe it, but there is a single trick that can help you do anything you need to do. It may feel counter-intuitive to others, but the truth is…I had no choice. I was procrastinating on something major and I had only one chance left to get it done. This trick saved my life, and it changed my entire life for the better. I will never procrastinate anything ever again.

This technique is too simple!

The “Technique”

This technique does take a while to get used to and it is something you have to stick to in order for it to work.

However, if this technique is used in the proper way and is practised frequently (in other words, every day), you should start to see the results within a week.

I know this because it worked for me!

What you are going to do is the following steps:

  • Every day just before going to bed, I want you to write on a post-it note 3 objectives in the order in which you want to complete it the next day. For example, this can be cleaning the house, finishing work assignments, getting shopping or whatever! But don’t be too ambitious and make sure you only write down 3 things which you know you can achieve.

  • Stick this post-it note next to your alarm clock or somewhere you know to go look the following morning.

  • Read through the list immediately when you wake up, and carry it with you to breakfast.

  • Start completing each objective immediately after breakfast. If that is to get shopping, you go and get shopping and come home as soon as you finished. No, wandering about in the supermarket!

  • Upon completion of each objective, immediately cross it out on the post-it note!

  • After all the objectives have been completed, scrunch up the post-it note into a tight ball and launch it into a bin with force! You must do it with force otherwise there won’t be a dopamine release afterwards which will hinder your progress!

  • Sit back for a few minutes to enjoy the fact that you completed this day’s objectives and indulge in your achievements!

  • Wash, rinse, repeat!


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